Pre-Construction Services
Essential planning begins with the pre-construction phase. During this phase, we will provide coordination throughout the conceptual planning, support the development of the budget and schedule, implement the reporting procedures, review the design and construction plans, and assist with bidding and awarding contracts. This is designed to save time and money and permits a more efficient construction phase.
Typical Construction Management Services include:
Pre-Referendum Phase:
- Assist in public information, regulatory review, and referendum process coordination
- Assist in identifying preliminary conceptual solutions and evaluation/ selection of preferred concept
Schematic Design and Approval Phase:
- Continue development of a project budget
- Identify L.E.E.D. opportunities
- Document project organization and procedures
- Development of a master schedule
- Establish and monitor the design schedule
- Estimate design concepts and compare to cost models
- Identify value engineering opportunities
Design Development and Approval Phase:
- Monitor the design development schedule
- Review plans and specifications for constructability and coordination of multiple prime contractors
- Estimate final design development package
- Identify long-lead delivery items for early purchasing
Construction Document Phase:
- Establish final procurement strategies
- Review plans and specifications for constructability and coordination of multiple prime contractors
- Recommend contract provisions
- Recommend and carry out action to minimize the impact of any discrepancies on the progress and cost of the project.
- Bid long-lead materials and equipment
- Update master schedule
- Establish and monitor detailed construction timeline and milestones
- Establish submittal procedures
- Estimate final construction documents
Bid and Award Phase:
- Assist to prepare advertisements for bidding
- Assist in pre-bid conferences
- Review the addenda issued by the Architect
- Assist to receive and analyze bids
- Assist in the review of contractor qualifications